Minolta MC Rokkor QF 200mm 1:3.5 – MC II – review

Minolta MC Rokkor QF 200mm 1:3.5 vintage manual lens review (Minolta MC Tele Rokkor-QF 1:3.5 f=200mm)

  • Official classification: MC
  • Collector’s classification: MC II, Hills &Valleys, Knurled

The first impression was – it’s solid and heavy. It would be strange to recommend this lens today for photographers because many other much lighter options on 200mm focal distance are available, but for guys who like to take portraits with the feeling of a big piece of steel and glass in the hand – that’s the paradise. Anyway – a good IQ is also a trait of this lens.


Minolta MC Tele Rokkor PE 200mm 1:4.5 – MC II – review

Minolta MC Rokkor PE 200mm 1:4.5 vintage manual lens review (Minolta MC Tele Rokkor-PE 1:4.5 f=200mm )

  • Official classification: MC
  • Collector’s classification: MC II, Hills &Valleys, Knurled

This is a “classic” or “vintage” long lens with elegant shape and with a good enough IQ for any photographer task. Of course, it has “steel and glass” construction as any lens from this line.

(Note: this is the starting article of the reviews cycle about Minolta MC Rokkor lenses in “Hills and Valleys” body design. The author hopes that every lens from this line will be tested on the site. Stay tuned.) (more…)