Canon FDn 50mm 1:1.2 vs Minolta MD 50mm 1:1.2 – comparison

Canon FDn 50mm 1:1.2 vs Minolta MD 50mm 1:1.2 – comparison

  • Canon FDn 50mm 1:1.2 (New-FD)
  • Minolta MD 50mm 1:1.2 (MD III)

This comparison is very important for the honor of both manufacturing companies. Mostly for Canon, because they are alive. What about Minolta – they are dead and have nothing to lose, you know.


Minolta MD 28-70mm 1:3.5-4.8 Zoom vs MD 35-70mm 1:3.5 Zoom vs MD 28mm 1:3.5 – comparison

Minolta MD 28-70mm 1:3.5-4.8 Zoom comparison with other lenses.

  • Minolta MD 28-70mm 1:3.5-4.8 Zoom Macro (MD III)
  • Minolta MD 28mm 1:3.5 (MD III)
  • Minolta MD 35-70mm 1:3.5 Zoom Macro (MD III)

This is a set of non-expensive and very common lenses. There is no need to pay a lot of money if all that is needed – is a good photo.


Minolta MD 135mm 1:2.8 vs MD 135mm 1:3.5 – comparison

Minolta MD 135mm 1:2.8 vs MD 135mm 1:3.5 – comparison

  • Minolta MD 135mm 1:2.8 (MD III)
  • Minolta MD 135mm 1:3.5 (MD III)

Minolta MD 135mm f/3.5 has a great sharpness. It’s true and a lot of resources confirmed it. But just imagine – if the cheapest and simplest Minolta MD 135mm has so great reputation, what’s about others?

Minolta MD 35-135mm 1:3.5-4.5 Zoom vs. MD 35mm 1:2.8, MD 50mm 1:2.0, MD 85mm 1:2.0, MD 135mm 1:2.8

Minolta MD 35-135mm 1:3.5-4.5 Zoom vs primes comparison.

    • Minolta MD 35-135mm 1:3.5-4.5 Zoom (MD III)
    • Minolta MD 35mm 1:2.8 (MD III)
    • Minolta MD 50mm 1:2.0 (MD III)
    • Minolta MD 85mm 1:2.0 (MD III)
    • Minolta MD 135mm 1:2.8 (MD III)

The results of the zoom look good enough, but it wasn’t an easy fight.


Minolta MD 24-50mm 1:4.0 Zoom vs MD 24mm 1:2.8, MD 28mm 1:2.8 (5×5), MD 35mm 1:2.8, MD 50mm 1:1.4 – comparison

Minolta MD 24-50mm 1:4.0 zoom vs primes comparison.

  • Minolta MD Zoom 24-50mm 1:4.0 (MD III)
  • MD 24mm 1:2.8 (MD III)
  • MD 28mm 1:2.8 (5×5) (MD III)
  • MD 35mm 1:2.8 (MD III)
  • MD 50mm 1:1.4 (MD III)

In most cases, top-rated fixed focal lenses are better than zooms, but it isn’t always true, and here is one of the exclusions.

Minolta MD 24-35mm 1:3.5 Zoom vs MD 24mm 1:2.8, MD 28mm 1:2.8 (5×5), MD 35mm 1:2.8 – comparison

Minolta MD 24-35mm 1:3.5 Zoom vs primes comparison.

  • Minolta MD 24-35mm 1:3.5 Zoom (MD III)
  • Minolta MD 24mm 1:2.8 (MD III)
  • Minolta MD 28mm 1:2.8 (5×5) (MD III)
  • Minolta MD 35mm 1:2.8 (MD III)

It is believed that the sharpness of prime lenses is better than that of the zooms… Mostly.


Canon FDn 50mm 1:1.4 vs Minolta MD 50mm 1:1.4 – comparison

Minolta and Canon – 50mm 1:1.4 lenses comparison:

  • Canon New-FD 50mm 1:1.4
  • Minolta MD 50mm 1:1.4 (MD III)

I consider this article to be my most serious attempt to answer the question – which 50mm F1.4 lens is better – Canon New FD or Minolta MD.
There are many such comparisons on the Internet. But not one of the known for me does not satisfy me. The reasons are different: some have been made on a crop camera, some compare 58mm lens with a 50mm lens from the same distance, some compare Canon New FD with Minolta Old MC. Someone simply makes mistakes in focusing or does not keep in mind the field curvature. Or performs the tests at a distance of 50 cm and in the center only.

But this is a very important comparison. The fact is that such lenses, 50/1.4 – are the main point of the product lines for all serious companies. Having the best fast fifty in a production line can be named as ‘companies honor’. Even for today. As you can see, I understand responsibility.

Regarding Canon FDn 50/1.4 and Minolta MD 50/1.4: both lenses are very similar. Flange focal distance is 41.9mm for Canon and 43.50mm for Minolta. Both are from the last product lines of the pre-autofocus era. Both were in production at the same time. Both have the same schemes – 7 elements in 6 groups, ‘planars’. Both even look similar. Prices on auctions are very close.. Etc. OK, let’s do the comparison

This comparison is correct only for conditions and equipment used for tests. Test results can differ if any element is changed.

Chiyoko Super Rokkor 50mm 1:2.8 vs Super Rokkor 50mm 1:2.0 – comparison

Chiyoko 50mm lenses comparison:

  • Chiyoko Super Rokkor 50mm 1:2.0 (Minolta)
  • Chiyoko Super Rokkor 50mm 1:2.8 (Minolta)

I have warm feelings for both lenses, and it isn’t secret that 50/2.0 is more powerful, but it may be interesting to see the difference in real samples.

(LTM lenses)
