Minolta SR 50mm 1:1.4 lenses comparison – MC-X, MD I, MD-II, MD-III

Minolta SR 50mm 1:1.4 lenses comparison:

  • Minolta MC Rokkor PG 50mm 1:1.4 (MC-X)
  • Minolta MD Rokkor 50mm 1:1.4 (MD I)
  • Minolta MD Rokkor 50mm 1:1.4 (MD II)
  • Minolta MD 50mm 1:1.4 (MD III or New-MD)

This is the comparison of Minolta-SR 50mm lenses – from Rokkor MC up to New MD – all are the best classic 50mm lenses ever, and this selection of the winner is just an option – photographers can use any of these lenses without doubts and without reading of this article, but it was curious to find out how the Minolta’s optics changes from generation to generation.

The comparison is big enough and maybe boring, so, if you prefer to sort out in details – you need the patience to look over all diagrams with samples, if you just interested who is a winner – go to the end of the article, but such way is not to recommend, because it would be better if someone controls the author’s conclusion.


Minolta MC Rokkor PG 50mm 1:1.4 – review

Minolta MC Rokkor PG 50mm 1:1.4 – vintage manual lens test and review

This was the first 50mm F1.4 lens by Minolta, only 58mm with F1.4 was in production earlier. It has so great reputation that even younger and modern fifties sometimes hide in the shadow of this MC. You can find a lot of opinions about this lens, sometimes very objective, sometimes too personal, and the target of this review is to understand the real abilities of this piece of ‘glass and metal’ (and a few rubbers).