Carl Zeiss 85mm 1:2.8 vs Minolta MD 85mm 1:2.0 – comparison

85mm lenses comparison – Carl Zeiss 85mm 1:2.8 Sonnar T* Contax/Yashica vs Minolta MD 85mm 1:2.0

The IQ of both lenses are well known among photographers, but there is not a good head-to-head comparison in the network (or I can’t find it). This gap should be covered.

The Carl Zeiss lens for the test was provided by Egor Nikolaev (Егор Николаев) – many thanks and greetings.

Carl Zeiss 85mm 1:2.8 Sonnar T* Contax/Yashica – review

Carl Zeiss 85mm 1:2.8 Sonnar T* Contax/Yashica lens review, aka Carl Zeiss 85mm 1:2.8 CY

Mount – Contax/Yashica (C/Y)

This is the compact portrait lens released by respectable Kyocera based on Yashica technologies with the license of famous Carl Zeiss. This lens should be magic by origin.

The lens for the test was provided by Egor Nikolaev (Егор Николаев) – many thanks and greetings.
